Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Comedy Gold: Anonymous, Homosexuals and Scientology

Just this morning I was laughing hard when I saw an old flier of Anonymous. They really try to recruit the LBGT scene for their criminal purposes!

Not short of lies and the usual "free interpretation" of Scientology texts, the flier states: "Homosexuals are Dangerous?!? ... We need your help!". LOL!

Well, what does Scientology say about Scientology and Homosexuality? Here is a great one about that: http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_scie.htm

A little teaser:

"We Scientologists read this at the beginning of every Sunday service in every Scientology organization across the world: 'Nothing in Dianetics and Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation. That is all'."

"... What's more, Scientology has the most iron-clad, non-discriminatory policy I've ever come across regarding sexual orientation. Have there been abuses of this policy by people in the church who are ignorant of it, or who were raised in the Midwest? (Sorry, bad joke.) Yes! Of course! I mean, what planet are you living on? But whenever I have personally written reports on policy violations to church management, my reports were acknowledged and the offenders were untimately [sic] corrected. That's more than I can say for our U.S. government's record handling civil rights abuses of gays."

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